22 December 2023
Father Christmas Lands at NPA!

The lucky children at Northbrook Primary Academy got to see the man in the big red suit on Thursday 21st of December.  It was lovely to see them excited but polite and engaging with Santa, telling him all about how good they had been and what they would like for Christmas. As a school, we were especially proud of Year 6 and how they have developed strong relationships with their reception ‘buddies’. It was clearly evident when they escorted the reception children into 'Santa's Grotto'  how much they have matured into amazing role models for our youngest children... #Aspiration #theNPAway…

Below we have photographs of many of our children meeting Father Christmas and receiving their Christmas gift that he asked them to put under their tree until Christmas Day! We hope non of them have had a sneaky peek before Christmas Day.


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6