
We are very proud of our children in Year 6 who have taken up leadership roles within the school. This academic year 2023-24 we are very proud to annouce that the succesful candidates for the senior positions are Emily (Head Girl), Roman (Head Boy), Teddy (Deputy Head Girl) and Abi (Deputy Head Boy).

We also have four houses within the school and each house is led by a Year 6 House Captain. This academic year 2023-224 our House Captains are Poppy (Red House), Joshua (Yellow House), Emanuel (Blue House) and Leona (Green House).

Head Girl & Head Boy are responsible for:

  • Primarily the driving force of School Council and chairing meetings;
  • Presenting at events as required, acting as ambassadors within the school and the wider community;
  • Consolidating feedback and communicating with the Senior Leadership Team;
  • Internal communications – creating and updating a Student Leadership noticeboard; creating bulletins or posters to update staff and students of Student Leadership events;
  • Creating and overseeing the development of ‘Drop in Sessions’ for all students to have dialogue with Student Leaders;
  • Lead on the development of a 'buddy' system for improving wellbeing and mental health of NPA children.

Deputy Head Girl & Deputy Head Boy are responsible for:

  • Oversee the Senior Prefects and drive changes forward in improving our environment (waste – use of plastic);
  • Support Head Girl and Head Boy in School Council Meetings.

House Captains are responsible for:

  • Representing their House in assemblies through collecting and totalling the house points and delivering notices;
  • Helping to organise Student Voice (wider school) through visiting classes;
  • Leading and representing their House at each School Council meeting;
  • Helping to promote and run the charitable endeavours for their House;
  • Helping to promote Inter House competitions – encouraging tutor involvement in events such as Sports Day;

Prefects are responsible for:

  • Being visible role models around school in terms of supporting staff on duty;
  • Performing key duties around school at key events;