
Physical Education at Northbrook Primary Academy is led by Mr Iddon and is supported by staff from the West Lancashire Sports Partnership. 

Physical Education (PE) develops children`s knowledge, skills and understanding. This ensures they can perform with competence and confidence a range of physical activities. Physical Education promotes an understanding in children of their bodies in action and involves thinking, selecting and applying skills. It also promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle as we enable children to make informed choices about physical activity throughout their lives. 



Our intent is that every child develops a passion for Physical Education. We aspire for them to seek out and embrace the wide range of sporting opportunities provided at Northbrook Primary Academy and through signposting take up clubs from further afield. 


Our Curriculum Drivers 

  • HEART Values – PE at Northbrook is an enjoyable and exciting experience that brings us happiness but also challenges us to be our very best. Through respect, aspiration and teamwork and we can succeed individually and as in groups, as well as dealing with failures and loss appropriately.

  • Literacy and Language – We encourage children to describe what they have done, how they might improve individual or team performance, using subject specific vocabulary.

  • Community and Cultural Diversity- We aim to make links with the wider school and local community to help children understand the subject’s importance. 

  • Global Citizenship - Regularly working together in teams supports the children's social development as well as empathy and respect for others. Taking part in activities with clear rules and regulations, demonstrating sportsmanship and dealing with the inevitable success and failure of competition supports the development of strong moral characteristics. As does the experience gained from undertaking roles such as scorers, officials and leaders.



All classes take part in 2 hours of  PE per week. The curriculum overview for all classes for the academic Year 2024-25 is shown below:

PE Curriculum Overview


There are also many other ways that our physical activity time is enhanced:

  • Active travel to and from school.
  • Active breaktimes - where classes take part in a physical activity such as daily mile, skipping or physically active games. 
  • Break and lunchtime play equipment/ play leader sessions.
  • Active lessons.
  • Gardening.
  • A wide range of extra curricular opportunities such as afterschool clubs or local sports events. 


As required in the National Curriculum we teach dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety, outdoor and adventurous activities and athletics. 

Our principal aim is to develop children`s knowledge, skills and understanding. We do this through a mixture of whole class teaching and individual, pair or group activities. Teachers draw attention to good examples of individual performance as models for the other children. We encourage children to evaluate their own work as well as the work of other children. Within lessons we give children the opportunity both to collaborate and to compete, and they use a wide range of resources. 

EYFS physical development is a prime area of learning. We plan opportunities to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Children are also helped to understand the importance of physical activity. They learn to make healthy choices in relation to exercise and food. We aim to deliver this with a mix of adult led and child- initiated activities. We aim to provide opportunities for children to develop their fundamental movement skills through adult led sessions.


P.E kit

All children need to have a PE kit in school. This comprises of:

-black shorts

-black tracksuit bottoms or leggings

-black pumps or trainers

-Purple NPA PE t-shirt (round neck)

-Purple NPA hoody


School Games Competitions

At Northbrook Primary Academy, we take part in the South Ribble competition calendar. We have children from both KS1 & KS2 participating in Level 2 competitions such as netball, football, tag rugby and inclusion events. 

We also have after school sports clubs delivered by West Lancashire Sport Partnership coaches which take place every half-term. South Ribble Active Team also support the delivery of the afterschool clubs, through specialist sports clubs, dance and clubs focused upon healthy eating and activity. Different year groups will be offered different sports on a rotational basis so everyone will have the chance to try something new.

For a full list of the extra-curricular clubs see below:

Extra-curricular Clubs 2024-25



Children are assessed against our curriculum endpoints, through a variety of different methods: small assessment tasks, question and answer responses and teacher judgements. The West Lancashire Sports Partnership staff support teaching staff with delivery and assessment. Sport Premium funding has supported staff training and employment of the WLSP staff.

Subject leaders monitor teaching and learning through pupil voice, staff questionnaires as well as book looks and learning walks and using the online app Seesaw to record evidence of learning. The development of the children in school is also monitored through regular informal conversations. 

As a result of our whole curriculum, we expect to see all children achieve well by developing knowledge and skills across the curriculum.  But we understand that PE brings more than this, and aim to ensure that all children will: 

  • develop lifelong learning behaviours that help them continue a healthy active lifestyle.

  • appreciate the possibility of physical education as a career and give them the opportunity to have success in modern Britain. 

  • be responsible global citizens and courageous advocates of our community through the HEART values we have instilled in them during their time in school. 

  • leave our school, fully equipped for the next stage in their learning.