
Year1 2023-24

Miss Jackson

Miss Jackson

Year 1 Teacher

Welcome to Year 1 at Northbrook Primary Academy

In Year 1, we move from the Early Learning Goals to the National curriculum. We will be continuing to grow into independent and inquisitive learners, building on our prior learning through continuous provision and hands on, practical activities. We use White Rose Hub for Maths and use different fiction and non-fiction texts for our English units. We also enjoy foundation subjects where we can be creative and thoughtful, as well as encourage the children to explore the world around them.  

Children will be set a variety of independent challenges across the week to help extend their learning and encourage independence. Challenges will be set in continuous provision in the classroom environment. We will continue to use Seesaw to share our achievements with you!

We look forward to working with you in the year ahead!

Miss Jackson ( Year 1 Class Teacher )  

Miss Kemp ( Year 1 Teaching Assistant ) 

Mrs Brierley (Year 1 Teaching Assistant )

Mrs Whiffen ( Year 1 Teaching Assistant )


Important days 

Year 1 have PE on a Monday and a Tuesday each week. From Monday 11th September, Year 1 children must attend school in their PE kit on these days.

Year 1 Curriculum 2023-24

Below are the curriculum for overviews for Year 1. This has been broken down by half-terms then by subject.

Summer Half-term 2:

Summer Half-term 1:

Spring Half-term 2:

Spring Half-term 1:

Autumn Half-term2:

Autumn Half-term1:

Year 1 Homework 2023-24:

Summer Half-term 2:


Summer Half-term 1:

Spring Half-term 2:

Spring Half-term 1:

Autumn Half-term2:

Autumn Half-term1: 


Summer Half-term 2:


Summer Half-term 1:

Spring Half-term 2:

Spring Half-term 1:

Autumn Half-term2:

Autumn Half-term1:

Parents' Information Afternoon Presentations 2022-23

Class teacher's presentation to parents: 

Web page Y1 23-24