
Year 3 2023-24

Mrs Morris

Mrs Morris

Assistant Headteacher & Year 3 Teacher

Mrs Pizzey

Mrs Pizzey

Year 3 Teacher

Welcome to Year 3 at Northbrook Primary Academy

Hello from the Year 3 team here at Northbrook Primary Academy!

As the youngest class in Key Stage 2, we are looking forward to sharing exciting and memorable learning opportunities with the children to inspire their creativity and develop independent learning skills. Our classroom is a warm, nurturing and calm environment, where we learn practically and love to take our learning outside when we can.

In Year 3, we really enjoy learning new skills; developing our confidence and questioning our learning to help us discover even more. Our curriculum is designed to help us enquire and be inquisitive about the world around us, and we celebrate curiosity and creativity.

This year, we will be exploring some amazing stories and books to help us become amazing authors. We will learn all about Paddington’s journey, Aesop’s fables and even explore how to write an information leaflet for our favourite landmark.

We have a wide range of exciting topics that we will be exploring this year including, What Britain used to be like in the Stone age, the human skeleton, Extreme weather patterns and Britain’s ever-changing coasts.

We use Seesaw in Year 3 as we love to share our learning so that our parents at home see what we are up to during the school day.


Important days

Our PE sessions are led by our fantastic sports coaches on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Please make sure your child wears sensible footwear and attends school in the regulation P.E kit.

Year 3 Class Teachers

Mrs. Morris (Monday -Wednesday)/Mrs Pizzey (Thursday/Friday)

Miss. Young (Teaching Assistant)

Year 3 Curriculum 2023-24

Below you will be able to find the curriculum overview for each half-term broken down by subjects:

Summer Half-term 2:

Summer Half-term 1:

Spring Half-term 2:

Spring Half-term 1:

Autumn Half-term 2:

Autumn Half-term 1:

Year 3 Homework 2023-24:

Summer Half-term 2:

Summer Half-term 1:


Spring Half-term 2:

Spring Half-term 1:

Autumn Half-term 2:

Autumn Half-term 1:

Clubs 2023-24:

Summer Half-term 2:


Summer Half-term 1:

Spring Half-term 2:

Spring Half-term 1:

Autumn Half-term 2:

Autumn Half-term 1:

Parents' Information Afternoon Presentations 2022-23

Classteacher's presentation to parents:

Web page Y 3 23-24