
The ethos of Northbrook Primary Academy encourages close links with parents and the wider community. We believe that all our children benefit when the relationship between home and school is a positive one. We expect parents to:

  • act in accordance with the Code of Conduct at all times

  • support and reflect the school’s ethos and values through their behaviour

  • set a good example to pupils through their behaviour and the way they interact with staff, pupils and other adults

  • work together with staff members in the best interests of our pupils

  • treat all governors, staff members, pupils, other parents and any members of the school community with dignity and respect

  • address their own child’s behaviour (or those in their care), particularly in public, where it could lead to conflict, aggression or unsafe conduct

  • not act in a way which seeks to deliberately circumvent the role of the school in managing behaviour of pupils

  • respect the school’s property and environment; and

  • approach the school should they have any concerns that they wish to discuss. This should precede use of the complaints policy wherever possible.

It is evident on a daily basis that the vast majority of parents, carers and others visiting our school are keen to work with us and are supportive of the school. However, on rare occasions we have been made aware of a more negative attitude towards school, school staff or members of the wider school community.

As a school with our children at the heart of what we do, we need to be clear that the following types of behaviour are considered serious and unacceptable and, therefore, will not be tolerated:

  • using foul, abusive or offensive language disrupting or threatening to disrupt school operations (including events on the school grounds and sports team matches)

  • making racist or sexual comments

  • using aggressive hand gestures

  • discriminating against any member of the school community, including pupils, staff, governors and other parents

  • bullying, harassment or intimidation, including physical, verbal and sexual abuse offline and online

  • trespassing on school property without prior permission

  • causing intentional damage to school property

  • sending threatening or abusive messages to another member of the school community or the school, including via text, email or social media

  • posting defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments about the school, its staff or any member of its community, on social media platforms

  • approaching another parent or pupil to discuss or reprimand them because of an issue between pupils

  • smoking on school premises

  • drinking alcohol on school premises

If the school suspects, or becomes aware of a breach of this policy, the school will review and take appropriate action.A breach of this policy will be managed appropriately, the action taken will be dependent on the severity of the situation. In most situtaions the school expects a conversation to be sufficient to reinforce our expectations. However, where this conversation is not sufficient to resolve the issue, the school will consider further action which may take includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • send a warning letter to the parent

  • invite the parent(s) involved to meet with a senior member of staff or the headteacher

  • restricting channels of communication to the school such as no longer allowing a parent to contact a member of staff directly

  • contact appropriate authorities, including the Police and social services

  • Seek legal advice regarding further action (in cases of conduct that may be defamatory or harassment)

We understand that there can be circumstances outside of school that can be very challenging, whether this be within families or between different families. However, these issues must not influence the behaviour of parents or carers on or around school site. There is more than enough space on our school site for the adults to drop off and collect their children without the need for negative interactions. After all, we are the ones that must act as role models to the children within our care.

We very much hope that we can count on your support in this matter and that there will not be a need for the academy to take any further action as stated above. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us on

Parental Conduct Policy