
Our school hours are:

8.45am – 3.10pm Reception & KS1 and 8.45am – 3.15pm KS2

(Total hours per week: KS2 32.5 / KS1 and Reception 32.25)

Our school doors open at 8:45am each morning and all children should be in school by 8:55am. If your child arrives after 8:55am they will need to enter school through the before/afterschool club entrance and a late mark will be recorded. School finishes at 3:10pm for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Whilst Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 finish at 3:15pm.

Reception and Year 1 children will be greeted in a morning by a teacher at the door next to the bike shed. Year 2 children will be greeted at the next door on the infant playground. These are also the doors where they will be collected from each night.

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children will be greeted at the door on the junior playground and collected each night from the junior playground. There is a numbered post for each class and their class teacher will dismiss from the same place daily.

Any children travelling to and from school by bike or scooter must dismount and push the bike or scooter whilst on school grounds. All bikes or scooters must be stored in the 'bike shed' located next to the Reception & Year 1 entrance.

We keep the playground gates shut between 9.00am and 3.05pm, and ask everyone to sign in and out at the front office using our electronic In-Ventry system. This is to make sure we know who is on site – both in case we have an emergency or evacuation and need to do a roll-call, and to safeguard the children. If children have to leave/return between 8:45-3.10/3.15pm they will need to be collected/returned by an adult, and be signed out and in. Parents can park on the staff car park, if there is space, to collect or return children during the school day.

We kindly request that parents do not use the staff car park at the start and end of school times and park with consideration when using the local roads.